The PDF Reader for Research

A 12.9 inch iPad Pro showing Highlights with a PDF and notes open side-by-side.

An iPhone 12 Pro showing the notes view in Highlights with an extracted image, paragraph and a table

Unlock advanced features by becoming a Pro subscriber. A free trial is available in the app.

A 12.9 inch iPad Pro showing Highlights with a PDF and notes open side-by-side.

Share icon

Export Anywhere

Pencil icon

Annotate Faster

Link icon

Lookup Citations

Copy icon

Smart Copy

File icon

Files Integration

Dark mode icon

Dark Mode

Your Smart Research Tool

Turns your PDF annotations into powerful notes.

Two iPhones side-by-side running Highlights with annotations being beamed from the PDF view on the left phone to the notes view of the one on the right.

Share icon

Export Anywhere

It's your notes, you decide where they go.

Mac app icon for ulysses


Mac app icon for evernote


Mac app icon for devonthink


Mac app icon for keep it

Keep It

Mac app icon for nvalt


Mac app icon for Bear


You can also export as Markdown, TextBundle, HTML, WebArchive and PDF files.

A text selection with an iPhone popover over it on top and a text selection witn an iPad <a href=annotation popover below on the bottom." />

Pencil icon

Annotate Faster

Highlights is built with you who annotate a lot in mind and the tools are where you want them. No additional taps through menus.

If you want to go even faster you can set the default annotation color for each tool and even double tap the Apple Pencil to switch tool.

Link icon

Lookup Citations

Automatically find DOIs for scientific articles and download the correct metadata.

Markup a citation and tap the link icon to look it up. If you have already read the citation Highlights will link it to the PDF on your device.

A cutout of a reference from a scientific article with an <a href=annotation popover below" />

Dark mode icon

Customize Appearance

Highlights supports dark mode and custom accent colors on all your devices.

<a href=An iPhone in front of an iPad Pro in front of a Macbook Pro - all three running Highlights app." />

". an app that students, academics, and anyone who does substantial amounts of PDF-based research should try" logo

US App Store App of the Day award icon

US App Store

"It’s the novel approach to PDF annotation that makes this app a cut above the rest" logo

App Store star rating

Average rating of 4.6 in the App Store.

"Best PDF annotation tool out there"

- Ramon Rempel, Mac App Store Canada

"Incredible. The best PDF reader for compulsive note takers I’ve ever used"

- matty98384, App Store UK

"I've literally been waiting for something this simple to use and effective for adding notes to academic PDFs for ages."

- Smidge17, Mac App Store UK

File icon

Document Browser

Browse your files using the iOS document browser or the Finder on your Mac. Store your files on device, in iCloud Drive, Dropbox or other sync service.

Continue working on the same file on another device using Handoff. Highlights stores your annotations as standard annotations and does not lock your PDF files in.

A tilted iPhone showing Highlights document browser

8 floating text labels with language names

Language icon

Multilingual OCR

Extract text from PDFs without searchable text using built-in OCR. Highlights supports a range of languages and does all processing on device.

Highlights can also recognize tables and with Smart Copy you can convert them on the fly and paste the data right into a spreadsheet.

Copy icon

Smart Copy

Smart Copy gives you the desired output for any annotation when you copy it. No additional steps required, just paste it where you want it.

Image icon

Images as PNG

Table icon

Tables as CSV

Link icon

Citations as BibTeX

Top half of an iPad Pro in landscape mode showing Highlights and <a href=Numbers running side-by-side." />

And Much More..

See the full feature list

Try Highlights for Free!