Structural Terms Built from Word Parts

vertebral column: made up of bones called vertebrae (pl.) or vertebra (s.) through which the spinal cord runs. The vertebral column protects the spinal cord, supports the head, and provides points of attachment for ribs and muscles.

clavicle: collarbone

scapula: shoulder blade

acromion process: extension of the scapula, which forms the superior point of the shoulder

sternum: breastbone

xiphoid process: lowest portion of sternum

ribs: 12 sets contained in the thoracic cage that protect the heart and lungs

humerus: bone in upper arm

radius: bone that runs thumb-side of the forearm

ulna: bone that runs on the side of the little finger of the forearm

carpals: wrist bones

metacarpals: bones in the palm of hand

phalanges: finger and toe bones

illium: largest part of the hip bone; upper, wing-shaped part on each side of the pelvis

ischium: lower, posterior portion of the pelvis on which one sits

pubis: anterior portion of pelvis

pelvis: made up of three bones fused together (also called pelvic bones and hip bones)

acetabulum: large socket in the pelvic bones that holds the head of the femur

femur: thigh bone, also referred to as the upper leg bone; the longest and strongest bone in the human body

patella: kneecap

tibia: medial bone and main weight-bearing bone of the lower leg

fibula: lateral, smaller of the lower leg bone

metatarsals: foot bones

tarsals: ankle bones

calcaneus: heel bone of foot


Medical Terminology: An Interactive Approach Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.